The Clinical Knowledgebase (CKB)

Powered by Genomenon

CKB is a dynamic digital resource for interpreting complex cancer genomic profiles. Join thousands of clinicians and researchers across the globe, saving time and finding valuable information that connects cancer variants to therapies and clinical trials. Select your CKB solution now!


Access 50 genes
& related content

CKB CORE is the public access version we have been providing to the community since 2016. CKB CORE contains all the content associated with 50 genes that are commonly found on cancer hotspot panels. New and updated content is pushed out daily. Register here to stay informed on updates to CKB CORE.


Access 2000+ genes
& related content

CKB BOOST has advanced search functionality and contains 2,000+ genes, including the 50 genes found in CKB CORE. New and updated content is pushed out daily and is viewable in the same web-based manner as CKB CORE.

For more information on CKB BOOST and pricing, please contact


Scalable & flexible
content integration for
2000+ genes  

CKB CORE and BOOST provide web-based access only, with no option to download content. We realize the need for a scalable and flexible option to integrate CKB content directly into your workflow. CKB FLEX fulfills this need by enabling customizable content integration.

For more information on CKB FLEX and pricing, please contact